How can I get the hours I need?
Kent County has students earn their service learning hours through embedded curricular units in grades 5 to 9. These units give students the opportunity to earn at least 15 hours per year, so they will have the full 75 hours by the end of grade 9.
Each school also offers additional hours through recycling, service club activities, honor society activities, etc.
What if I just transferred into Kent County Public Schools?
Student Transfer Policy: Students who transfer into Kent County Public Schools from out of state need to complete the following number of hours before graduation, based on the school year in which they transfer:
Grades 6 to 8
75 hours
Grade 9
45 hours
Grade 10
30 hours
Grade 11
20 hours
Grade 12
10 hours
I have service learning hours but I don’t know what to do to get credit for them. Whom do I see for forms?
If you have service learning hours completed you must fill out the reflection sheet that is required for each project. This form can be picked up from your school or you can
download it here.
Once you have filled it in, had it signed, and have completed the project, bring it back to school and turn it into either the school guidance counselor at the elementary or middle schools or Michelle Phillips at Kent County High School. We will record your hours in PowerSchool and you can check your “balance” on your next report card.